Amuse Mélange

Amuse is a Mélange (blended wine) designed by Bill to push the flavors of Bordeaux to the limit with a distinctly amusing twist.

An elegant Bordeaux-style wine comprising fruit from the Napa mountain slopes of Atlas Peak and Pritchard Hill and the Sonoma valleys of Chalk Hill and Dry Creek bringing together a complexity of flavors showing an immediate freshness, charm and elegance on the palate.

Each year Amuse is a different Bordeaux blend vaguely inspired by a significant Bordeaux wine so it is only available until sold out, amusing taste buds and availability.

In 2010 a winemaking colleague attending one of Bill's blending sessions referred to Bill's blending wine selections as "an excess of riches."

Amused by this concept Bill decided to select certain barrels of his wines to make an amusing Bordeaux blend.

Some wine lovers look for vintage consistency. They want the same flavor characteristics from a particular wine each year.

We easily deliver that consistency with our Bordeaux blends maintaining the same flavor components and only allowing the terroir effect of that particular year to show.

Still others continually ask "what's new?"

Wines are traditionally developed in concert with the foods of a particular area. Bordeaux (blended) wines are closely associated with the historical foods of Bordeaux which are different to everyday American cuisine.

This difference stimulated Bill to develop an new wine, blended from the traditional five Bordeaux varieties but in totally different blend configurations each year to invigorate the taste buds for American cuisine and to offer something new for each vintage produced.

The goal with Amuse is to use our Californian Bordeaux-style wines in a blend that is not traditionally Bordeaux and come up with a unique American blend that is actually flavorful, delicious and works with typical foods of America.

Amuse ~ to find something funny - to entertain in a light, playful and pleasant manner.

Mélange ~ Mélange is a French term for a mixture, (from mêler, "to mix"), used especially when the result is attractive or exciting. Applied to American Bordeaux style wines as we do it becomes synonymous with Meritage.

Figgy Pudding Cakes

Figgy Pudding Cakes

Dense, moist cake reminiscent of the Victorian dessert, this figgy pudding is the perfect finale to a wonderful Christmas dinner.

Holiday Pumpkin Pie

Holiday Pumpkin Pie

We created this traditional style holiday pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving but the recipe is destined to become an every-month classic as it can also make great pumpkin pie mousse tartletes.

Honey Chipotle Chicken Taco

Honey Chipotle Chicken Taco

Don't wait for Taco Tuesday to try our Honey Chipotle Chicken Tacos. They may be the easiest tacos you ever make and they are delicious.

Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin Pie

Whether you're hosting a festive party or a casual get-together with friends, our Famous Pumpkin Pie will make entertaining easy!

Slow Cooked (Masaman) Beef Stew

Slow Cooked (Masaman) Beef Stew

A hearty, savory slow cooked stew with potatoes, carrots, celery, broth, herbs and spices. You won't be the only one to say "more please!"

Spiced Beef, Mushroom & Halloumi Skewers

Spiced Beef, Mushroom & Halloumi Skewers

Our Bush Tucker Rub has a set of deep, distinct flavors that complement the beef, mushrooms and haloumi perfectly. Add any selection of vegetables to the skewers, the possibilities are endless.

Sweet Beet & Horseradish Mustard

Sweet Beet & Horseradish Mustard

A perfect marriage of beets and horseradish combined with whole grain mustard create a distinctive condiment, perfect for roast beef, steak, grilled salmon or crab cakes.

Apple Walnut Smoked

Apple Walnut Smoked

Creamy cheddar, lightly smoked with walnut wood and wedges of sliced apple.

Bleu d'Auvergne

Bleu d'Auvergne

Bleu d'Auvergne is a French blue cheese, named for its place of origin in the Auvergne region of south-central France. It is made from cow's milk, and is one of the cheeses granted the Appellation d'origine contrôlée from the French government

Sartori Balsamic BellaVitano

Sartori Balsamic BellaVitano

The sweet, nutty, fruity flavors of BellaVitano become even more desirable when blessed with a few prized drops of Modena balsamic vinegar.

Westcombe Cheddar

Westcombe Cheddar

Westcombe Cheddar has a deep complex flavor with a mellow lactic tang and long notes of citrus, hazelnut and caramel.