Is Wine Consumption Good for You?

Research teams at Mayo Clinic and Harvard show wine could contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

Discussions with Bill Williamson

Wine has a history of being used as a medicine for the past 5,000 years and new studies are constantly backing up the health benefits of daily moderate - two glasses - red wine consumption.

In December 2024, the US government released a report that shows that moderate alcohol consumption lowers your risk of dying, compared to not drinking.

"There was a 16 percent lower risk of all-cause mortality among those who consumed moderate levels of alcohol compared with those who never consumed alcohol," says the report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Health (NASEM).

The potential health benefits include everything from lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s to increasing longevity.

Our natural wines are made from unadulterated, low-intervention, fermented grape juice, produced from certified sustainably farmed grapes not sprayed with pesticides or herbicides, using native yeast in the winemaking process without typical additives like sugar, sulfur or animal products.

Vineyard Yoga

Our natural wines are plant-based, low in sulfites, vegan, non-GMO and gluten-free and can significantly contribute to your wellness lifestyle.

Wine relaxes the body, promotes mental happiness and with moderate consumption may support physical health by neutralizing free radicals that stress the human system and cause disease.

Wine has a diverse variety of polyphenols including resveratrol, credited with lowering inflammation, procyanidins credited with protecting cells, and ellagic acid credited with helping regulate blood sugar.

If consumed regularly in moderate amounts, perhaps two glasses per day, red wine is considered to decrease the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and other consequences of cardiovascular disease.

Adding to these natural benefits, our small lot wines are vegan, containing no animal products.

They are also low in sulfites which means they taste fresh, and, along with an adequate intake of water, are considered “hangover free”.

The low level of sulfites alleviate histamine headache, promote better sleep and potentially a healthier digestive system by protecting from pathogens and reducing inflammation.

Clinical Research Team

From decreased mortality rate to attacking cancer cells, a little wine at the end of the day is believed to have the beneficial health effects outlined below.

Provide Antioxidants

Antioxidants are compounds that inhibit oxidation, a chemical reaction that can produce free radicals, thereby leading to chain reactions that may damage the cells of organisms. Wine is full of antioxidants that attack free radicals in the body terminating these harmful chain reactions.

Boost Immune System

Drinking a glass of wine daily can give your immune system a boost. Moderate alcohol consumption can ward off infections and keep your immune system in check and the alcohol itself has protective qualities as its ethanol boosts the effectiveness of vaccinations and supports a reduction in all causes of mortality.

Increase Bone Density

As we get older, our bones get more brittle, particularly in women. Bones are constantly remodeling, with old bone being removed and replaced. Normally Estrogen helps keep this bone remodeling process in good balance, however as women go through menopause and estrogen declines, they are at risk of decreased bone density and developing osteoporosis.

Health Woman with Red Wine

Research has shown a link between moderate drinking and bone health, as measured by bone density since red wine has high levels of silicon, which increases bone mineral density and reduces the chance of osteoporosis.

Reduce Risk of Stroke

A John Hopkins University Medical Center study found that, unlike beer or spirits, the ethanol, resveratrol and other compounds in red wine act as a blood thinner to prevent blood clots that could lead to a stroke - similar to aspirin, but without aspirin’s potential to cause stomach damage.

Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease

The tannin in red wine contains procyanidins - phenols which neutralize free radicals - effective in helping to protect the lining of blood vessels in the heart, enhancing blood vessel cell health, improving the flow of blood, and preventing cardiovascular disease.

Clinical Research Team 2

Lower Cholesterol

One of the primary, well-researched ways red wine decreases the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease is by improving cholesterol. Red wine positively affects cholesterol in several ways:

  • Increases “good” HDL Two glasses of red wine a day increases “good” HDL cholesterol, lowering the risk of heart disease because the HDL binds with cholesterol in the body’s tissues to escort it out of the body and removes fatty deposits in the walls of large blood vessels.

  • Decreases “bad” LDL Moderate red wine consumption lowers “bad” LDL cholesterol.

  • Increases size of LDL particles and decrease oxidized LDL In addition to lowering LDL and increasing HDL cholesterol, red wine has been found to increase the size of LDL and decrease its oxidation. Both the size of LDL and its oxidation with free radicals are important factors in the development of Atherosclerosis— the formation of plaques in arterial walls— the main underlying cause of heart attacks and strokes. The detection of small-sized or oxidized LDL particles in the bloodstream is correlated with greater risk of cardiovascular disease.

  • Decreases Lipoprotein (a) Red wine consumption has been found to lower Lipoprotein (a) a very dangerous cholesterol-like particle that’s considered highly likely to penetrate the blood vessel wall and lead to plaque formation, causing atherosclerosis.

  • Decreases inflammation (CRP) Red wine lowers C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of chronic, low-grade, body-wide inflammation. High CRP levels are strongly correlated with cardiovascular disease and other diseases related to chronic inflammation. Inflammation, like oxidative stress, is another key factor involved in the formation of arterial plaques and the development of atherosclerosis.

Reduce Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

If you are at risk for type 2 diabetes, the polyphenols in red wine have been proven to improve sensibility to insulin which reduces insulin resistance contributing to type 2 diabetes risk. Studies also showed benefits of red wine consumption included improved post-meal blood sugar levels and better next morning fasting blood sugar levels as well as improved insulin resistance.

Reduce Risk of Cancer

The risk of colon cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer can be reduced by drinking red wine. The antioxidants combat free radicals that allow cancer to thrive while the resveratrol that fights against heart disease also fights against cancerous cells by attacking and killing the cells that have the highest probability to cause cancer. Research has found red wine not only helps prevent cancer cells from forming but appears particularly protective against advanced or aggressive cancers.

Improve Cognitive Function

While a couple of glasses of wine can help clear the mind after a busy day, research shows that it may actually help clean the mind as well, improving overall brain function.

Cognitive Functions

Scientists from University of Georgia and University of Michigan in a study tracking older Americans over twenty years, have found moderate drinking may be linked to better cognitive function and slower rates of mental decline as red wine drives down inflammation and helps the brain clear away toxins, including those associated with Alzheimer's disease. As a result, it protects the brain from dementia while slowing the onset of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Promote Longevity

When you hear about healthy living and longevity, the Mediterranean diet emerges with its core message being olive oil, vegetables and red wine. Research shows the resveratrol in red wine activates a protein that acts as an anti-aging agent. The interaction increases overall health, thus promoting longevity.

It's OK to Enjoy Life

Alone, a decreased mortality rate is enough reason to drink a glass or two of wine every day but when you add this to all the other health benefits there is a compelling reason to include red wine in your daily diet for a long and healthy life.


Do yourself a favor, and pour a glass of high-resveratrol cabernet sauvignon and toast to your own health.