This classic bouquet garni is a quick and easy way to add a new dimension to casseroles, stews, soups and oven-baked vegetables.
Bouquet Garni simply means a "bunch of herbs" and is the term used to describe this very special traditional collection of herbs that are tied together and placed into soups, stews and casseroles while they cooking.
Using a bouquet garni instead of simply adding the herbs to your dish helps with flavor, texture, convenience, and presentation.
A flavorful mix of herbs for baked chicken or fish, beef stew or chicken soup.
Excellent for pork or pot roast. Not too sweet, and strong enough to stay flavorful even in long cooking dishes.
Using a bouquet garni instead of simply adding the herbs to your dish helps with flavor, texture, convenience, and presentation. Fresh herbs will get soggy and often discolor when left to cook for a long time, and dry herbs are not the most attractive when floating at the top of a finished dish. Bundling up the herbs—whether dried or fresh—also makes for easy removal.
Bouquet garni, French for "garnished bouquet," is a classic herb mixture used for preparing stocks, soups, casseroles, meats, and vegetables.
Herbie's Bouquet Garni is available as a blend of herbs to put directly into cooking or can be bought in infusion bags which are designed to be removed and discarded at the end of cooking.
Botanical Name | Melange |
Common Names | Bouquet garni |
Flavor | Non-sweet herbs |
Contains | Thyme, Marjoram, Parsley, Bay Leaves. |
Application | Tied together and placed into soups, stews and casseroles while they cooking. A flavorful mix of herbs for baked chicken or fish, beef stew or chicken soup. Also excellent for pork or pot roast. Not too sweet, and strong enough to stay flavorful even in long cooking dishes. |