This Australian recipe has graced family tables for many occasions since 1853. This unique, delicious combination of chocolate and nuts was created by Executive Chef, Dan of The Louise Hotel in Barossa Valley. An awful lot of taste testing went into getting this right!
Preheat oven to 300°F.
Line a shallow baking tray with oil spray and baking paper making sure the sides of the tray are lined.
Cream butter and sugar until very light and fluffy. Add yolks and mix until incorporated.
Add flour, baking powder and salt and mix until smooth. Spread batter evenly over prepared baking tray.
Place in oven and bake for approximately 45 minutes turning tray every 10-15 minutes to ensure even baking. You want the biscuit to be dry, crisp and golden. Once the biscuit is cooked and cooled break into roughly quarter (25¢) sized pieces.
Meanwhile, toast macadamias in a low oven until golden, stirring every so often to ensure even color then chop roughly and place into a large metal bowl with the biscuit pieces.
Melt 2 lbs of the chocolate and add to nuts and biscuit. Stir until combined.
Line a deep tin or silicon tray with oil spray and two sheets of baking paper making sure the sides of the tray are lined. Place rocky road mix into tray and spread out evenly. To remove air-bubbles and ensure it’s even, tap tray on bench a few times to flatten.
Place in refrigerator to set for approximately 1 hour. Once set, cut carefully into bite-sized pieces approximately ½ inch square. Place into large metal bowl.
Melt remaining chocolate. To coat rocky road- add a small amount of the melted chocolate to the bowl and stir constantly until evenly coated and set. Shake bowl to smooth surface. Continue adding small amounts of chocolate and stirring to coat then shaking bowl. Continue until all chocolate is used.
Once coated place into clean large bowl then add the ground coffee. Toss for a few minutes to coat chocolates well. Store in a dry well sealed container.