Cumin Seed, whole 45g

Cumin: Cuminum cyminum; Black Cumin: Bunium persicum


Cumin is one of the most popular spices and is commonly used in Latin American, Middle Eastern, North African, and Indian cuisines, among many others. It is available both as whole seeds as well as in ground form.

Cumin has a warm, earthy flavor and aroma with a bit of both sweetness and bitterness. The whole seeds need to be toasted to reach the optimum flavor.

Cumin is available as both whole seeds and ground powder and both are used in recipes. Whole cumin, for example, is featured in Indian dishes, where the whole seeds are added to the hot oil at the start of the dish so the flavor infuses the oil and therefore the rest of the ingredients. More flavor is brought out when the seed is lightly roasted, which is done easily using a dry pan over medium heat.

Cumin is second in popularity only to black pepper. Americans tend to use it mostly for chili, but its pungent flavor is a must in Indian, Mexican, Asian, Northern African, Middle Eastern and Latin American cooking. Cumin features in Moroccan recipes, although often in smaller quantities than in Indian recipes. 

Ground cumin seeds are also an important ingredient in Mexican chili powder, along with chili and paprika.  Mexican foods, both salsa and tacos, are heavily seasoned with cumin.   

Whole cumin seeds will retain their flavor quite well, however when ground be sure to store carefully in a well sealed container. 

Good quality ground cumin seeds should be khaki in color and the powder has an “oily” feel. 

Due to the relatively high oil content, ground cumin can be dry roasted in a pan quite easily and without burning. 

Black cumin seeds are smaller than standard cumin, dark brown (not black) and are usually dry roasted before using. They are not to be confused with nigella seed (kolonji) which is often sold as black cumin. 

The seed of a small annual plant that looks similar to fennel when growing. Native to the Mediterranean and known for its characteristic “curry” flavor. 

Cumin is a spice made from the dried seed of a plant known as Cuminum cyminum, a member of the parsley family.

Cumin seeds are harvested by hand from an annual plant; they are small, boat-shaped, and resemble caraway seeds.

The most common variety of cumin is brownish-yellow color, although you can also sometimes find black cumin, green cumin, and white cumin.

You will find whole seeds in Indian recipes (also called jeera) and ground cumin as an ingredient in Mexican and Middle Eastern dishes, as well as chili, barbecue sauce, baked beans, soups, and marinades.

Cumin is a typical ingredient in chili powder and is also often found in other spice blends such as garam masala, curry powder, achiote blends, adobos, berbere, and bahaarat.

Health Benefits

Cumin is an excellent source of iron, an essential mineral necessary for the production of hemoglobin, required for circulating oxygen throughout the body. Iron deficiency leads to anemia, and is often associated with easy bruising.

Cumin contains essential oils, which have disinfectant and antifungal properties, and may therefore be supportive of a healthy immune system.

Cumin is also an excellent source of antioxidants vitamin A and E, which can help prevent premature aging supporting cell regeneration, and preventing the degeneration of human cells and tissues.

Cumin is considered to have stimulating effects on the intestines.


Cumin is an ancient spice grown in Egypt and the Middle East. It has been found in 4,000-year-old excavations in Syria and ancient Egypt, where it was used both as a spice and as an element in preserving mummies. It appears in the Bible in both the Old Testament and the New Testament.

Since ancient times, cumin has been used extensively in India as well as by the Greeks and Romans. It made its way into Mexican and South American cuisine after European colonization, brought by the Spanish and Portuguese.

Botanical Name Cumin: Cuminum cyminum; Black Cumin: Bunium persicum
Common Names Jeera, White Cumin, Black Cumin.
Flavor warm, earthy, curry-like flavor
Contains Cumin
Application Features in Moroccan recipes, although often in smaller quantities than in Indian recipes. Ground cumin seeds are also an important ingredient in Mexican chilli powder, along with chilli and paprika.