. . . your path to a successful event . . .
Provide us a list of guests with various food allergies or preferences, such as vegetarian and we will manage the menu to suit these special guest preferences.
We prepare food quantities based on the final number of guests advised by you plus an “overage” amount.
Part of this overage is to include a meal for the staff and to allow for those guests who request second portions of a dish. This way everybody has an enjoyable time and we eliminate the possibility of any guests leaving hungry.
You will not be charged for the food overage and there is no provision for take-out boxes, etc.
To confirm the event date and time a deposit of 50% of the anticipated price is required when the event is booked.
You may cancel an event at any time. If cancelled prior to 15 days before the event a 50% refund on account of the event fees already billed will apply. If cancelled within 15 days of the event date, no refund will apply.
We may cancel an event at any time without liability, in which case a 100% refund will apply.
Where appropriate, the winemaker, or other members of the Williamson family or the chef, may make an appearance to discuss the food or wine with guests.
Nothing will be fixed to any part of the building, other than that which has previously been agreed and our staff will manage any such signage.
If guests remain longer than thirty minutes after the scheduled end time you agree to pay a surcharge equal to $10 per additional hour, or part thereof, for each of the total number of guests attending the event, until all your guests have left.
You agree to comply with all the laws of the United States, the State of California, municipal ordinances and all lawful orders of police and fire departments, and you will not do anything on the premises in violation of any such laws.
If any of our staff members become aware that unlawful activities are occurring on the premises, they are required by law to cease all service and immediately terminate the event.
Our staff members have the right and responsibility to refuse further alcohol service to any guest who is obviously intoxicated - please note:
In California, a person who sells, furnishes, gives, or causes to be sold an alcoholic beverage to any obviously intoxicated person is guilty of a misdemeanor. (At your event this person refers to you!)
A customer is obviously intoxicated when an average person can plainly observe the usual signs such as staggering, alcoholic breath, dilated pupils of the eyes, slurred speech, poor muscular coordination, loud or aggressive behavior, etc. (section 25602)*
In the event individual guests are identified as obviously intoxicated, you will advise the guest that they can no longer be served alcohol.
Should the event be interrupted for any reason, for example, belligerent or abusive behavior from or among guests, our staff will advise you and you are required restore order.
If you are unable to restore order in a reasonable time or if law enforcement, fire or paramedic units are called then our staff will cease service, advise guests of the situation and request they leave the premises immediately.
We will control the music duration and noise level of the band as well as breaks and the provision of the band meal as stipulated in the Musicians Award.
Your event fee covers normal event cleanup costs, however should any damage or special cleaning requirements result from the behavior of your guests, you will be notified of the scope of this work, together with images, if available, and the cost will be billed following that notification.
This agreement may not be amended or modified except by confirmed emails between the parties, which then become exhibits attached hereto and part hereof. Where provisions within this agreement appear to be in conflict with provisions contained in exhibits the provisions contained in the exhibits shall prevail.