Curry Leaves (whole)

Murraya koenigii


Curry leaves have nothing to do with curry powder; they are superbly aromatic leaves that add a lemony flavor to dishes.  Curry leaves are actually the leaflets from a small tropical tree of the citrus family with shiny green leaves.  

Although used predominantly in curries, the fragrant citrus-like flavor compliments a curry rather than imparting the traditional curry taste.

Herbie's Spices curry leaves are highly aromatic and are grown and dried in Australia.

To release the flavor, fry about 6 leaves in oil at the beginning of making a curry.

Curry leaves are not to be confused with the decorative, grey-leaved curry plant that is not particularly pleasant to eat.

Health Benefits: In Ayurvedic medicine, curry leaves are believed to be rich in antioxidants, and are considered antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-carcinogenic. Some studies have shown the leaves to have gastrointestinal protection, acting as a laxative to relieve diarrhea and soothe inflamed bowels. Curry leaves are also believed to help strengthen hair roots. Dry curry leaf powder mixed in oil can be massaged into hair before shampooing. An excellent source of Vitamin A, curry leaves may be beneficial for soothing topical wounds, as well as protecting against cell deterioration.

Botanical Name Murraya koenigii
Common Names Curry leaves
Flavor Fragrant citrus-like flavor
Application Curry Leaf Bread